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Symptom Checker

Step4: Read and complete the decision guide to learn more about your symptoms.

Allergic Rhinitis Symptoms in Children

Getting Started

Allergic rhinitis is a reaction of the nose in some people who are allergic to things ("triggers") in the air such as pollens, molds and dust. Allergic rhinitis is common in children, most often seen in those who have a history of another allergy-related condition such as eczema or asthma, or who have family members with allergies. Often children who have allergic rhinitis will also suffer from itchy eyes.

This interactive guide will help you understand more about allergic rhinitis in children and its treatment options. Many of these treatment strategies are things you can do at home, without the help of a doctor. However, this guide should be used in addition to discussions with your doctor. It is not intended to replace a visit to your doctor.

Click here to begin.

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