Building a Positive Health Human Future with Technology

Symptom Checker

Step4: Read and complete the decision guide to learn more about your symptoms.

Heart Palpitations

Getting Started

Welcome to our decision guide on palpitations.

Normally we are not aware that our heart is beating. When we exert ourselves or become anxious, we expect to feel our heart beat as it speeds up and contracts with more force.

There may be times when you unexpectedly become aware of your heart beat. This sensation is referred to as palpitations. You might feel that your heart is beating too rapidly, too slowly, irregularly, or it may be a steady pounding in your chest. All of these sensations are considered palpitations.

In this guide, you will be asked a series of questions that will you give you the most common reasons why you may be having palpitations.

Our guide is designed to help you understand the possible causes for your palpitations. It is an adjunct, not a substitute, for consultation with a health professional.

Let's get started